Dog Chance
Offering Thailand's Street dogs a Second Chance
Through Immunzation, Neutering and Adoption Program
Life is tough
for the street dogs of Thailand. It is hard for anyone who hasn't
visited Thailand to understand the full scale of the stray dog
problem .It is not just that hundreds of thousands of dogs are
living on the streets [Bangkok alone has a conservative estimate
of 150,000 strays] but it is the condition in which they are
forced to live. Frightened, riddled with parasites , hairless
with mange, most are hungry, many are starving, and hundreds
live with fractured bones or are paralyzed because of car accidents.
It is a national tragedy, and adding to Thailand's disgrace
is the fact there are no humane shelters, no effective SPCA-type
organizations as yet where animals can be taken or abuse reported,
no well-run Government adoption facilities, no animal rights,
no sensible laws governing pet ownership and certainly no animal
law enforcement, no educational programmed or Government campaigns,
and sadly euthanasia is practiced only rarely due to religious
Thailand numbers among those countries labeled internationally
as 'cruel to animals'. This label may have stuck due to Thailand's
lack of action, funding and know how in tackling animal issues
rather than by active abuse, but it is nevertheless harmful
to the country's image. Gratefully though,in2001 Thailand's
dog-lovers received a large bone from Bangkok's new Governor,
Mr.Samak Suntornavej: there were to be no more mass exterminations
[Cruelly administered by strychnine poisoning].Instead mass
neutering was proposed with an initial target of 100,000 sterilizations
per year in Bangkok alone. The policy is well meaning, but
in program is rather barbaric. Meeting targets is often the
drive behind the daily sterilizations at the Bangkok Metropolitan's
Din Daeng Dog Pound, not the welfare and well-being of the
No funding
is available for medicines to aid recovery, no treatment given
for illnesses, no isolation facilities for dogs obviously
suffering from contagious diseases [distemper, parvo virus,
mange] and no vaccinations other than for rabies. The dogs
are piled onto wheelbarrows, dumped in holding pens, and left
to lie in their own urine, blood and faeces. Many trample
over other sedated dogs as they stumble back into consciousness.
Not surprisingly, many wounds get infected. Some dogs die.
The programme will have to be radically altered before any
civilized society can accept it as an effective and humane
solution to Thailand's street dogs problem.